Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

Well kind of Yes/No.

For the latest (It did go negative the previous week):


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those numbers exclude demand side products though

Now that’s a phrase I need to have to hand going forward!

I’m not sure if it includes all demand, but likely most…

Actual Residual Demand (MW) Incl IOS
3. Actual Residual Demand is the aggregated metered hourly sent-out generation and imports from dispatchable resources and includes demand reductions. The Actual RSA Contracted Demand includes renewable generation.


“demand side products” being load reduction etc. that adds to the reserve capacity.

Lol. You know what, I made a direct translation from the Afrikaans “poniekoerant” which means “tabloid”. But it is quite accurate, because ponying is the act of one horse leading another, and in many ways, since the papers are just getting its facts from each other, that is accurate enough.

I just got my renewal letter. Some interesting changes. My SASRIA component on the vehicles came down… it’s about a third of what it was. But there is an entry “kragstuwing” under household, which probably translates to “power surge”, which used to be included for free, but now costs an extra R50. This is from Santam.

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R19 to the $, all down the Shute so to speak, thank you SA, buckle up buttercup, she will be rough…


20.85 to the Euro. Noice…

And on top of it all, SA is now accused of selling arms and ammo to russia. Remember the Russian cargo ship in Simonstown end of last year? Tanking the Rand a little perhaps! Nobody want’s to touch SA in fear of running foul of the US….


Hold on, we have arms to sell?

Traditionally you only sell one, and in severe cases it is accompanied by a leg.

arms and legs are usually given, I think - not sold.

I think the body parts sold are normally involved in urine production (and apparently liberated against your will when in South America) → also might be required when wanting blue equipment (so I’ve heard). :wink: with the exchange rate selling only one will probably not be sufficient either :cry:

if sticking to limbs and matters of government there is also “give them a finger, then they take…” depending on one’s stance the slight change to “the finger when they” may also seem appropriate.

We still have some good private military manufacturing companies. There could have been a lot more - South Africa is in a great position. We are not too closely aligned with any block (like USA and UK) so we have the ability to basically sell arms to nearly anyone worldwide.

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The US ambassador claims probably did not help but it seems that most currencies had a somewhat tough time against the US dollar at about the same time. So, unless that ship docked all-over the world there are probably other/more factors at play.

Less positive than expected Chinese market data released yesterday apparently also weigh negatively on the SA outlook as China is our biggest trading partner.

Said the same thing to my wife this morning. Currencies rarely react that rapidly to things other than an interest rate hike or bad production numbers. The people who speculate on the currency market (and cause the short term moves) are in it for the money. Other things are involved here.

I remember a long time ago, during the Zuma reign. USDZAR would not break 14. Despite all the cr*p that was going on, it could not break that resistance (currency traders use the term support, for the bottom, and resistance for the top). Then something happened in Turkey and as is the custom of the financial world, the entire emerging block was punished, and that sent it over R14/USD.

An interest rate increase in Japan can cause the exchange rate to change, as people cash in in one market to cover loans in another. I’ve seen that one too. Of course, whenever the Fed (the American bank) raises their interest rates, the dollar gets stronger as investments follow the higher return. Conversely, as much as we hate interest rate hikes in SA, they help keep the money here. That’s why we have to follow suit and increase interest rates whenever someone else does…

It is a right big mess, and very very hard to impute cause and effect in the currency market. That’s why I stopped trading :slight_smile:

According to the economist Dawie Roodt, the allegations had a direct influence on the Rand, a very negative one.


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indeed - at last the judiciary address reality… or am i in contempt for suggesting such :roll_eyes:

way back a colonel in the police [when it was a force…] told me ‘as jy jou vrou verneuk kan jy jou land verraai’ - wow, look at the doings of some of our state presidents, yes even way back :see_no_evil:

now i know why location sharing, being dependent on GPS and Hz fluctuations, makes me drift all over the place :rofl: