EasySolar 48/5000/70-100 – 230V-MPPT 150/100 With CGX-SOLD

Just put a PV-inverter on the output of your Multiplus. It is in the documentation, see the top of page 27 for all the places you can put a PV-inverter in the system. By placing it on the output, you don’t need to install a grid meter as in that picture, it will use the current sensor built into the multiplus.

A PV-inverter (such as Solis, Fronius, Fimer, SolarEdge, etc etc) is essentially an MPPT that loads the panels down to the optimum power, than boosts that to about 400VDC (the peak of your AC voltage) and then inverts it into proper 50Hz AC that is in sync with the grid (using a thing called a PLC, a phase locked loop).

The Victron inverters can provide a stable enough 50Hz AC that a PV-inverter will sync with it. And they can take reverse power on their output and charge a battery with it.

Doing it this way is also a lot more efficient if the majority of your loads run during the day time.

I dont have a multiplus II at this point, so will need to get an additional inverter anyway that is on the city of cape town’s approved list, and then it’s debating the cost of getting that solis I showed you before with an additional inverter cost versus just getting a solis with a built in mppt etc.

but will discuss all costs with Jaco and see what is best.

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You don’t need a Multiplus-II. You can use the existing inverter. That’s the point of the exercise :slight_smile:

CoCT is primarily concerned with the solar->grid interface, which in this example would be the PV inverter. The inverter is just a UPS, when set up like this.

Just last week I helped someone source a 5kva Multi 11 from a display wall for R6300 shipping included. Every so often those kind of deals pop up.


Slightly confused, I had a easysolar,not a multiplus, so If I understand you correctly, I need the original multiplus paired with this then. not a multiplus II?

Wait, I have access to a few MPPT,s and a few 3 kva units. Together with the picture you send me this morning we might be able to put together a very affordable solution for you.

You do what you think is best Jaco, I have absolute faith in you.

In cape town you would need a multi 11

The EasySolar is just a Multiplus with an MPPT mounted in the same case. The inverter hardware of all of these are the same. Even the Multiplus-II is pretty similar (they use a single Toroid transformer instead of two, which improves no-load consumption a bit, and it has the double-relay transfer switch).

It’s all the same, sorry if it is a bit confusing :slight_smile:

Except I sold the Easysolar a few days ago…

Oh! Well, sorry, I was a bit behind then :slight_smile:

no worries, after a month of no one else wanting it I decided to cut my losses and made a deal with @Paul. But it appears Jaco has an idea he can put together for me. Will wait on him.

But I have told him I have the solis 1P4K-4G available for 3500 if we need it as part of this. Let’s see what he comes up with.

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