Conlog going into tamper mode

Or get a meter that is not so sensitive … IF that is on the cards.

PAYG lTron meter that CoCT insisted on us having, for free, has NO issue ever.

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unfortunately, she falls into Eskom territory ( Parklands, Cape Town ), we are doing the sseg registration, so not sure how their meter replacement works ?

Reading all the posts above, I’m really hoping I’ll be ok.

Installation of prepaid meters in our neighborhood has started. I do not know what meter it will be, probably also that dreaded Conlogs.

I have everything in the house on essential. What remains of the non essentials is the oven and stove which we basically never use but I do have an ET112 for them.

I will report back here when I know more and when my “new” journey" with this new #@#$% meter starts.

It shoudnt be an issue. New conlogs dont have this problem and older conlogs can be fixed by getting a code from the municipality.

I’m really counting on this.

Did you eventually get your Conlog meter installed? If so, what has been your experience.

In your opinion, if I replace the ET112 will the EM540, will this prevent the tripping issue of the sensitive Conlog?

Installation has stopped in our hood. Think Tshwane’s money ran out. But I will report back here once this has happened.

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