450w fivestar solar panels

I can bring a panel with on Saturday

The supplier installer has bloked me on watsap and wont take my calls. I have come to terms with the fact that he will not honour any claim.

The best I can do is prevent others from falling for the same. He had dissapearing messages on watsap, and often replied with voice message. I even gave him a bad review on his facebook page. He simply blocked me there too.

Attached is my last message to him two days after thebinstallation his voice response tried to claim that it may be my inverter. And imediately blocked me.

My take here is that if you can at least salvage what you’ve got, then at least it’s not a dead loss. Chances are that even if these are B-grade JA panels, they should work and last perfectly well. The 5-star inverter is a rebadged Voltronic if I am not mistaken. Not my favourite brand, and certainly not the most long-lived, but it should last you a few years.

You can also leave reviews on hellopeter and google - at least these they can’t delete. Include names and telephone numbers since it might help others to recognise their potential scammer.

Btw, @Bugs commiserations with this.


You are absolutely right. I will salvage what i can. The fivestar inverter is actually another piece of kak. Anyway, Our household doesnt use much electricity and if we manage our usage well enough, it may be worth living with what i have paid for. As for the solar panels and the installation, there is another mess. The didnt use spacer brackets to leave enough ventilation between roof, and there are far too many joins. So even if I hang on to the existing solar panels and call them 300w panels, I would probably be wise to rewire and install them properly.

This can be a big reason why you are not getting the full power. The heat will degrade those panel output as soon as the sun shines on them. Just changing this should not cast you too much but would most likely get you much better PV results.
You can even do this upgrade yourself if you want. Just get the correct brackets for your roof.

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