Pylontech Registration Process Question

Good morning all.

So I have asked this question elsewhere, answers not forthcoming, yet.
It’s a bit of 'worry-wart-pedantry’question, nonetheless, I want to get it right.

In the Registration process the last two fields to fill in are:

1. Reference Picture
2. System configuration and system images.

It’s not exactly clear to me what I’m in to insert here, and it seems to matter. I mean for (1) is it just the battery standing there? and for (2) what now, just photographs of the installation in general, including panels (unlikely) and what about the important, to my view at least, details like Charge Voltage Limit, Charge and Discharge Current Limits? What else?

Cannot find answers online.


When I registered both batches of my batteries, I just uploaded a clear pic of the whole wall installation, showing clearly where the cables ran and the fuses, etc.

Basically so that anyone who views the pic can see that it is a proper installation, not some “just parked on the roof” thrown together set up.

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