Nice milestone reached

Just stumbled across this thread and would also like to figure out more or less how much I didn’t have to pay Eskom last year.

I have produced 3640 Kwh for last year.

So do I just multiply this by what our units cost? Think we pay around R2.28 per unit.

For me it is a bit more complicated, because I have a higher rate above 600kWh. Now most months I am above 600kWh, so just multiplying with the highest rate is accurate. But for 2 or 3 months in the year, I start to offset units below that rate, so the math becomes a tad bit more complicated.

Don’t think we have this but not sure to be honest. I’d have to study our electricity bill.

So if this is not in place, would I be correct in my crude reasoning? Give or take a R1000?

This would come to R8300.00 in savings last year? In my mind this is awesome.

One day when I’m rich, going shut down the system for a month just to see what our bill is without any solar assistance.

Mmmmm, somehow I cant see myself doing that.

Here is a update of mine.

Just ticked over the 4MWh produced which is already a huge saving, but just being off grid for almost the last two months has saved ±8k already. The proposed increase by eskom of 20% would have made my bill R800 more. My original calc for my ROI was 4-5 years but with the proposed increases and who knows next years increases, ROI is more like 3-4 years

12 021 kWh myself, since Marc 2020.


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Here’s mine for 2021 12.54MW

Oh well, since we’re all bragging…

I don’t have all my numbers going back to 2013. I’ve made about 12MWh since January 2019. I have a small system compared to some of you guys… :slight_smile:

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Since Dec 2018

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Since Oct '20.

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Ag ok… :slight_smile:


I have to ask – why block out your consumption? I don’t think there’s grid-shaming on this forum…? :stuck_out_tongue:

His municipality must be trawling this site :smiley:

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